Does Pumpkinhead Stand The Test Of Time?

Описание к видео Does Pumpkinhead Stand The Test Of Time?

The horror landscape is filled to the brim with icons and mascots that were successful and
failures, but what about those stuck in a limbo of absolute anguish? The ones that have
only one or at most two good movies to their name while never getting the further respect that
they deserved. Pumpkinhead is one of those movie monsters that really should have taken off
but over the course of of nearly 20 years it has 4 movies, a video game, and a comic series that
is full of unfulfilled potential. I think most people know the name but does that first movie stand
the test of time?


Written By: Andrew Hatfield
Narrated By: Niki Minter
Edited By: Mike Conway
Produced by: Lance Vlcek and John Fallon
Executive Produced by: Berge Garabedian

SERIES SYNOPSIS: Test Of Time is a series that takes a look back at some of the classics of our beloved genre and finds out whether or not they, you guessed it, stand the Test Of Time!

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