The Law of Preeminence | Stronger Marriage Week 1

Описание к видео The Law of Preeminence | Stronger Marriage Week 1

Join Pastor Josh as we embark on a seven-week journey with our new series, "Stronger Marriage." Whether you're seeking to rejuvenate your marriage or lay a strong foundation for a future relationship, this series is designed to fortify your relationship against the trials of life and deepen your bond with your spouse.

0:00 - Intro
8:08 - The Starting Place: Marriage is God's Idea
8:23 - Marriage Is Good
8:46 - Marriage Works
10:00 - Marriage has Design
10:10 - The 7 Laws of a Stronger Marriage Overview
16:25 - 9 Alternatives to a Stronger Marriage
16:26 - The Stuck Marriage
16:45 - The Stale Marriage
16:56 - The Sick Marriage
18:01 - The Shallow Marriage
19:01 - The Stressed Marriage
19:37 - The Selfish Marriage
19:56 - The Sexless Marriage
21:32 - The Struggle Bus Marriage
22:11 - The Singles Marriage
26:35 - Stronger Marriage Law #1 (John 4:4-42)
34:53: Jesus Christ: the Foundation of Marriage
35:12 - 4 Things about The Teacher
35:24 - 1. Jesus teaches the ordinary, in the normal, with the natural.
36:56 - 2. Jesus moves to the relationally hurting, dysfunctional, and broken.
38:35 - 3. Jesus knows you fully and loves you deeply.
40:32 - 4. Jesus offers to meet your deepest needs.
40:51 - The Teaching: The Law of Preeminence
43:10 - The Diagnosis: You Have a Worship Problem
46:01 - The Principle of The Law of Preeminence
47:13 - The Big Idea: The Most Important Issue in your Marriage is...
50:43 - The Value Law #1 Brings
50:54 - Value 1: Submission to a higher authority than each other
53:22 - Value 2: A Safe-harbor when tragedy strikes and Satan attacks
54:27 - Value 3: Sanctification of Self to Christ
54:55 - Value 4: Satisfaction of your deepest human needs
55:57 - A Warning for your Marriage
56:09 - Closing Prayer


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