Current state of SSG (TigerBLUE Quake Champions)

Описание к видео Current state of SSG (TigerBLUE Quake Champions)

There's a lot of talk lately about the SSG (Super Shotgun) being weakened since the latest patch.

I happened to be in a sacrifice match last night where I found myself firing several shots at very close range whilst moving parallel to my target and thought it might make for an interesting video to see how much damage I was doing. I don't have a direct comparison to the previous patch but it definitely feels weaker to me...I'm pretty close throughout but hit for 40, 54 and aim is perhaps not perfectly central but felt very good in the moment (I was playing at 98fps and recording at 60fps which might make a slight difference to where my cross-hair was when firing in the video ?) and ofc there are sometimes "what you see is not reality" because of the network but just as a "for the sake of argument" this felt like three pretty decent close range shots with the SSG to me and I would have hoped/expected to hit a bit harder than I did.


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