Celebrating 4 years of 'UMPH!'

Описание к видео Celebrating 4 years of 'UMPH!'

Look at you, you’re all grown up.

I know bands say this about most of their albums, but UMPH! really does hold a special place in our hearts. In December of 2019, Mark and I were going through a very pivotal and unique time in our lives; we had just moved across the entire country, (7,000km (5,000 miles)) away from all family and friends and were starting fresh. We had been writing music on and off for the past 4-5 years, before and after our Gilman EP, and had a collection of songs we knew we wanted to release, but we also had a lot of other things happening in our lives simultaneously. Then, just a month or two after being in this new place, there was talk of a new vir&s, and the possibility of the world shutting down.

Like everyone, when it happened, it seemed surreal. We were confused, angry, skeptical, filled with questions, and just felt like the world was more chaotic and broken than we had ever, ever seen it.
We decided that we wanted to not only vent these feelings, but we wanted to do something that brought us joy, as well as share music that was fun, danceable, experimental, and just some good ole rock n’ roll. So we buckled down and, between December 2019 - April 2020, recorded this album.

UMPH! is a collection of songs about critical thinking, distortion in the media, standing together through chaotic times, anger, confusion, innocent love, social movements, and dancing your heart out just because you wanna.

Give this one a spin today if you have the time 💿 Whether it’s your first listen, or your 100th, we love that we can share this with you (again).

In celebration, here is a montage of all of the music videos we shot for the album.


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