Intro to Napoleonics Part 1: Simple guide to painting late French line infantry in greatcoats

Описание к видео Intro to Napoleonics Part 1: Simple guide to painting late French line infantry in greatcoats

This series aims to de-mystify painting and modelling Napoleonic wargaming for those interested in the basics. The first episode covers painting a staple infantry type for the 1812-1815 period; the humble french line infantry. Choosing a simple model to paint, such as that in a greatcoat, will hopefully make it easier for the newcomer to get a force of 40-50 infantry done quickly for a skirmish game like Sharp Practice. Expect drybrushing and the use of washes to achieve a table-ready paintjob with minimal fuss.

Paints used:

Vallejo Model Color Black-Grey
Vallejo Model Color London Grey
Vallejo Model Color Deep Sea Grey
Vallejo Model Color Light Grey
Army Painter Tanned Flesh
Vallejo Model Color Flat Brown
Army Painter Barbarian Flesh
Vallejo Model Color Beige Brown
Army Painter Spaceship Exterior
Vallejo Model Color Dark Prussian Blue
Army Painter Plate Mail Metal
Vallejo Model Color Brass
Army Painter Strong Tone Wash
Army Painter Quickshade Wash Mixing Medium


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