Mega Man 3 - Spark Man's Stage

Описание к видео Mega Man 3 - Spark Man's Stage

Hehehe... and if you thought the spinning was silly yesterday... ahahaha AHAHAHAHA you have seen nothing... NOTHING yet!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!! keeps giggling incessantly Oh yes... it will be silly yeeeeess... as now we enter the domain of Spark Man! Wanna know what is so ever special about this stage... there are only two enemies where I must switch out of Top Spin! Yaaay!! Once they are out of the way, I am free to spin spin spiiiiiiin!~ Wheeeeee!!~ spins around the room Spark Man's stage is all glittery and sparkly and... somewhat hard on the eyes, but it is still quite fun. Some things can be annoying, like the little enemies that move on the floor and ceiling that shoot an electrical beam between one another, but eh...!

Spark Man himself is... rather middle of the road difficulty. His spread attack is easy to dodge, but the charged up one can be really troublesome, especially if he fires it from the highest platform in the centre of the room. If you are using his weakness, he should only have enough time to use this once though, so just try to lead it so you can dodge it the needed time, then finish him off... spiiiiiiiins away~



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