FreeZri - Abrid n Thagrawla [ Officel Lyrics Video ]

Описание к видео FreeZri - Abrid n Thagrawla [ Officel Lyrics Video ]

Road to revolution

Rifian revolution
Tamazight of the present time
This is Rif road
The Rif of tomorrow
This is the light
That brightens the sky
For the people of Rif
The free spirits of Biya
Men and women
We are the same unity
Dihya’s Sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters
Bravery of our hearts
Our candle lights up
The dreams and hopes of our folks; the heart of our revolution
Heigh! Brother Mohcin Fekri, may you rest in peace!
The Rifian People said no to ‘’Hogra’’ Humiliation
Came out in the city of Biya
And in all parts of the world
Their voice is one
The freedom of all
The freedom of us all
Rejected slavery
And Ecclesiastical colonization
Wanted the flag of freedom
Waving in the horizon
And sing Buya
The people will write History
Which will last forever

Written by Mohamed el ayoubi
Translated by Khalid acudad


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