Creating a Pop-Out Navigation and Filter Bar Using Power BI Bookmarks. 4 Ideas for Sections to Add

Описание к видео Creating a Pop-Out Navigation and Filter Bar Using Power BI Bookmarks. 4 Ideas for Sections to Add

In this video, I'll explain how to create a neat pop-out sidebar within your Power BI reports.
This sidebar can be hidden or shown and is a great way to save real estate within your Power BI reports.
I'll cover adding:

1. Page navigation - a section that uses the Power BI 'Page Navigator' option to create a page navigation visualisation that automatically updates when you add or remove pages to your report.

2. Slicers - If you want to add slicers visulisation to filter specific columns but don't want to tie up page real estate.

3. One-click filter - A button that uses Power BI bookmarks to automatically applies a set of multiple filters to your report so you don't need to select multiple filters or slicers manually. This example is to filter on the critical maintenance work orders.

4. Filter reset button - This button will reset all your filters to their default value with a single click.

👍Tip: This is a longer video so why not try increasing the playback speed to save time. Research has shown that this can speed up your learning! You'd be surprised how well it works!

⏩ Video Navigation
00:00 - What you'll learn in this video
00:47 - Setting the foundation of the menu
03:20 - Menu open and close bookmarks
05:00 - Creating a Selection Group
06:00 - Bookmark Options for Menu Buttons
07:06 - Adding Actions to Buttons
08:17 - Add and Configure Page Navigation
12:14 - Add and Configure Slicers
13:33 - One Click Filter Button
14:49 - Bookmark for One Click Filter
16:50 - Bookmark for Filter Reset Button
18:40 - Adding newly created visuals to menu group
20:10 - Difference Between Checking Bookmark Data Option
21:00 - Summary of Pop-Out Menu Bar Functionality

🎓 Power BI Dashboard Training
👉FREE Power BI Quick Start Course - Learn how to create your first dashboard in around 90 minutes!

👉 Power BI Quick Start PLUS - Learn how to craft KPI management dashboards that really do help you, your boss, and your peers make better decisions!

📁 Resources
👉Access to the source PBIX files for my YouTube videos:

👉Article series on creating a maintenance management system data model and how to address the human factors of data collection for improved data quality. (This is not just relevant to maintenance and reliability data).


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