Manufacturing a Prototype | 4 Critical Lessons!

Описание к видео Manufacturing a Prototype | 4 Critical Lessons!

#howtocreateaprototypeproduct #howtogetaprototypemade #prototypemanufacturing

Manufacturing a prototype is an expensive undertaking! Don't waste time and effort investing in a prototype that might not be fit for purpose! 20 years of experience working on hundreds of products has gone into this video so make sure you watch it now to learn the lessons.

Have you got a great new product idea but no clue as to how to turn it into a marketable product? This video is for you! Find out how to create a new product from just an idea. The video covers validation, prototyping, manufacture, sales and launch!

Link to the pdf guide to developing the right routes to market for your concept:

Want to really get into the detail? Subscribe to my channel for weekly videos:    / @productinnovationacademy  

It's a quick overview so check out the links below for more information:
Really serious about developing a new idea? Book a call today with one of our experienced design team to discuss your project:

Just getting started on developing a new idea? This starter pack contains vital resources to jumpstart your idea development journey!

Download my free e-book:

Watch my free 45-minute webinar on developing a new product:

Manufacture an idea 101 ebook:

Validating an Idea PDF guide:

Ultimate Guide to Protecting an idea:

Choosing a Designer Guide:

5 Golden Rules Ebook:

Detailed Case study video:

Subscribe to my channel for weekly videos:    / @productinnovationacademy  

Are you looking to partner with a product design agency? D2M is a full-service product design company based in Cheltenham. We work with start-ups and SMEs to design and develop market-leading products for our clients. Unlike other product design firms we specialise in textile product development with hard goods integrations. Our onsite workshop allows us to build and test prototypes inhouse. We always make sure we manage your risk through the process to give you the best chance of success!

Book a call today with one of our experienced design team to discuss your project:

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