Sarah Tishkoff: Human Population Genetics and Origins

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CARTA celebrates its 10th anniversary with a whirlwind tour of anthropogeny, the study of the origin of humans, by addressing these questions across multiple disciplines: What do we know for certain? What do we think we know? What do we need to know? How do we proceed? Recorded on 3/23/2019. [8/2019] [Show ID: 34702]

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0:00 Introduction
1:52 Key Challenges in Human Evolutionary Genomics Research
2:43 What we need to know. When and where did modern humans originate in Africa?
3:12 What we need to know: How many migrations where there out of Africa and what were the source populations?
3:43 What we need to know: Was there admixture with archaic populations in Africa?
5:30 Measuring Phenotypic Diversity
6:32 High Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing in Africa
8:15 What we need to know What is the molecular mechanism of human adaptation?
8:58 Skin Color is an Adaptive Trait
10:17 Genome Wide Association Study
10:25 SLC24A5
13:14 Gene Geneology of MFSD12 using genome sequence data from Simons Genome Diversity Project
14:00 A Selective Sweep in Eurasians
14:35 OCA2/HERC2
15:21 Age of Derived Alleles
15:38 Evolution of human skin pigmentation
16:35 How do we proceed?


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