11.11 Portal 💫 The Magician & The Mystic💫 rebirth, transformation, new earth

Описание к видео 11.11 Portal 💫 The Magician & The Mystic💫 rebirth, transformation, new earth

Hello everyone! As we are approaching the 11.11 portal on Monday, it's a potent time for transformation & rebirthing, as well as accessing our inner magician & mystic.

In this video I share info on how to harness the potency of this time, the symbolic meaning of the number 11, working with the archetypal energies of the magician & the mystic plus six steps to rebirth yourself at this potent time.

We will be going way deeper into this theme at our live gathering on Monday 11.11 more info here https://www.clairecreighton.com/the-l...

I am so looking forward to seeing those of you who are joining us then!

Until then, happy manifesting.

Claire x

ps. the last 3 mins freeze, but u can still hear me 🙈

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