There are so many Ramshorn Snails in here

Описание к видео There are so many Ramshorn Snails in here

In this aquarium you see there is a lot of Ramshorn Snails.
Long story short I only had two ramshorn snails inside of the aquarium. One had pink skin color and the other was brown skin color. As you can see there are a variety of different those two colors.
It is a naturally planted aquarium.
It has no filter or heater.
It has an air pump for the fact it is small so I think it is best to have some motion inside of it since it is over population. We need a lot of oxygen.

1.5 Gallon
Ramshorn Snails
Music Credit: Dj Quads
Track Name: "Misty Mornings"
Music By: Dj Quads @   / aka-dj-quads  
Original upload HERE -


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