The Guillotine - History's Infamous Efficient Execution Device

Описание к видео The Guillotine - History's Infamous Efficient Execution Device

During the French Revolution, there was an execution device that was used to execute thousands of people including the King and Queen of France. King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were both led up the stairs of the scaffold before they were handed over to the executioner before they were killed on the guillotine. The guillotine was seen as quick and efficient, and also painless for those who had been put to death, and it was invented with this in mind. The man who the device is named after proposed that a death sentence should result in ending life, and not cause more pain and suffering and this is why the guillotine was invented.

During the Terror following the French Revolution, over 17,000 people were executed on the device and it was used in many other countries around the world. Adolf Hitler used the device to execute thousands of people who were accused of treason and resisting his dictatorship. But for many people the guillotine was a symbol of liberty against the oppressive French King, and there were stories that people could live for seconds after the blade had fallen. There is much mystery about the execution device that killed thousands in different countries across Europe.

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