1. *Thematic Vocabulary Immersion*
*Technique:* Focus on one theme at a time.
- *How:* Pick a theme relevant to the GRE/GMAT, such as economics, psychology, or sociology. Gather articles, journals, and magazines related to this theme.
- *Action:* Create vocabulary lists from these readings. Use apps like Anki to make flashcards. Focus on understanding the context in which these words are used rather than just their definitions.
- *Outcome:* This helps in recognizing and remembering words in the context they are most likely to appear, boosting retention and comprehension.

2. *Reverse Engineering Articles*
*Technique:* Deconstruct articles from international journals.
- *How:* Choose an article, read it thoroughly, and then summarize each paragraph in your own words.
- *Action:* Identify key arguments, supporting evidence, and the overall structure. Create outlines and compare them with the article to ensure accuracy.
- *Outcome:* This improves your ability to grasp complex texts quickly and enhances your critical reasoning skills by understanding the structure and flow of advanced arguments.

3. *Contextual Vocabulary Expansion*
*Technique:* Use words in context through active reading and writing.
- *How:* When encountering a new word, write a few sentences using it in different contexts. Create a story or a paragraph incorporating several new words.
- *Action:* Regularly review and edit these writings to reinforce the meanings and usages.
- *Outcome:* By actively using new vocabulary in various contexts, you solidify your understanding and recall.

4. *Mind Mapping for Critical Reasoning*
*Technique:* Visualize arguments and their components.
- *How:* Create mind maps for critical reasoning questions. Start with the main argument in the center and branch out to premises, evidence, and conclusions.
- *Action:* Practice this with various CR questions. Break down arguments into smaller components and map them out visually.
- *Outcome:* This visual approach helps in quickly identifying argument structures and logical flaws, enhancing your ability to tackle critical reasoning questions efficiently.

5. *Active Reading with Annotation*
*Technique:* Annotate texts as you read.
- *How:* Use highlighters, notes, and symbols to mark key points, unfamiliar words, and critical reasoning patterns in articles and passages.
- *Action:* Summarize sections in the margins, note down questions that arise, and underline main arguments and evidence.
- *Outcome:* This keeps you engaged and makes it easier to review important points, fostering a deeper understanding and better retention.

6. *Regular Practice with Timed Exercises*
*Technique:* Simulate test conditions with time constraints.
- *How:* Use GRE and GMAT practice tests, setting strict time limits for each section.
- *Action:* Review incorrect answers to understand mistakes. Focus on timing strategies, such as quickly identifying main ideas and arguments.
- *Outcome:* Builds test-taking stamina, improves time management, and reduces anxiety during the actual test.

7. *Critical Reasoning Drill Sessions*
*Technique:* Intensive focus on critical reasoning questions.
- *How:* Dedicate sessions to only solving CR questions from various sources, including past GRE/GMAT tests.
- *Action:* Analyze each question thoroughly, identify argument components, and practice eliminating incorrect answer choices.
- *Outcome:* This targeted practice hones your skills in dissecting arguments, identifying logical fallacies, and choosing the best answer.

8. *Engage in Advanced Discussions*
*Technique:* Participate in discussions or debates on complex topics.
- *How:* Join forums, study groups, or online platforms where advanced topics are discussed.

- *Outcome:* Enhances your verbal skills, argumentation abilities, and comfort with complex discussions, mirroring the GRE/GMAT environment.

9. *Read Aloud and Record*
*Technique:* Improve retention and comprehension through auditory reinforcement.
- *How:* Read advanced articles aloud and record yourself. Listen to these recordings during downtime.
- *Action:* Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and comprehension while reading. Review recordings to reinforce learning.
- *Outcome:* This multi-sensory approach aids in memorizing complex vocabulary and understanding intricate texts, improving both reading and listening skills.

10. *Summarize and Teach Back*
*Technique:* Summarize articles and teach the content to someone else.
- *How:* After reading an article, write a brief summary highlighting key points and arguments.
- *Action:* Explain the summary to a friend, study partner, or even to yourself in the mirror.
- *Outcome:* Teaching reinforces your understanding, helps identify gaps in knowledge, and improves your ability to articulate complex ideas clearly.


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