Chinese People's Liberation Army 2018

Описание к видео Chinese People's Liberation Army 2018

The Armed Forces of the People's Republic of China (中国人民解放军).

Founded: 1 August 1927
Current from: 15 August 1945
Chairman of the
Central Military Commission (commander-in-chief): Xi Jinping
1st-ranked Vice-Chairman of the Central Military Commission: Air Force General Xu Qiliang
2nd-ranked Vice-Chairman of the Central Military Commission: General Zhang Youxia
Minister of National Defense: General Wei Fenghe
Chief of the Joint Staff Department: General Li Zuocheng

Military Equipment:
Service pistols: P19, P12, QSW-06, QSZ-92 and QSZ-11.
Submachine guns: QCW-05, Type 82 and Type 79.
Service rifles: QBZ-95, QBZ-95B, QBZ-03, Type 81, QBS-06, Type 63, Type 56 and Type 56 carbine.
Sniper rifles: QBU-88, Type 85 and Type 79.
Light machine guns: QBB-95, QJY-88 and Type 81.
General-purpose machine gun: Type 80/86 and Type 67.
Heavy machine guns: W85


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