LOS FELIZ TOUR - Discovering All The Secret Places In This Beautiful Area of Los Angeles California

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This video goes on an in-depth tour of the Los Feliz are in Los Angeles, California.

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Los Feliz is a hillside neighborhood in the greater Hollywood area of Los Angeles. The neighborhood is named after its colonial Spanish-Mexican land grantee, José Vicente Feliz, and, along with present-day Griffith Park, makes up the original Rancho Los Feliz land concession.

Griffith Park: covers 4,310 acres of land, making it one of the largest urban parks in North America.[1] It is the second-largest city park in California. Due to its presence in many films, the park is among the most famous municipal parks in North America. It has been compared to Central Park in New York City and Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.

Ferndell (Secret Garden) + Streams: The Ferndell trail is a quarter-mile long trail in Griffith Park. This walking path borders a stream that nourishes tropical plants under the shade of sycamores. Even when other parts of Griffith Park dry out and turn brown, Ferndell stays lush and green thanks to the recycled water it receives from Griffith Observatory.
Los Feliz Blvd (Big Houses)

Los Feliz is one of the most sought-after neighborhoods in Los Angeles due to the stunning views, beautiful homes, and relative affordability. Scattered across these hills are architectural gems evoking the 'Old Hollywood” built by architects such as Leland Bryant, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Paul Williams.Because of this Los Feliz has been the home to movie stars, musicians, and the Hollywood elite. This area was also the home to many early movie studios.

Vermont Blvd (Franklin/Vermont - Shopping + Restaurants): Vermont Avenue is one of the longest running north/south streets with a length of 23.3 miles. This particular area of the street is extremely trendy with many vintage clothes stores, and trendy restaurants. A noteworthy place to speak about on Vermont Blvd. Is the Los Feliz Theatre which opened in 1935 and converted into a triplexed theatre in the early-90s. It is currently operated by vintage Cinemas, who operates the nearby Vista Theatre.

Vintage Stores on Vermont Ave: Los Feliz Village is home or in proximity to numerous bars and restaurants catering to nightlife. They are mostly on Hillhurst Avenue between Los Feliz Boulevard and Prospect Avenue, and on Vermont Avenue between Franklin Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard. Some were classic dive bars in their heyday for the sundry working-class drunks, poets, artists, writers, and other creative types.

The Prospect Studios: Also known as ABC Television Center West) is a lot containing several television studios. For more than fifty years, this facility served as the West Coast headquarters of ABC. As the television and film industry entered the next millennium, the lot by 2002 was renamed The Prospect Studios. Current shows besides General Hospital produced here include ABC's medical drama Grey's Anatomy. The Walt Disney Company, which acquired ABC, continues to own and operate the facility to this day.

Hidden Stairs of Los Feliz: Most people associate stairs with function but the city of LA has numerous hidden Stairs which often feature artwork and really make the areas pop-out. Originally they were built to simply assist people from a bottom street to their uphill homes, but nowadays many people use them for exercise, as filming locations, as well as simply to enjoy the views of the city that a lot of them offer.

Shakespeare Bridge: Located in the Franklin Hills section of Los Angeles, was built in 1926. It is made in a Gothic style and was named after famous playwright William Shakespeare and later designated a Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument in 1974. The bridge was rebuilt in 1998 after the Northridge earthquake due to concerns that the structure would not be stable in the event of another earthquake.

The Greek Theatre: is an amphitheatre located in Griffith Park and is owned by the city of Los Angeles. The reason that this place is called Greek Theatre is because the theatre stage is modeled after a Greek temple. The idea for the Greek Theatre originated with wealthy landowner Griffith J. Griffith, who donated 3,000 acres of land to the city of Los Angeles in 1896 to create Griffith Park. In his will he left money for the construction of a Greek theatre. A canyon site was chosen because of its good acoustics. The cornerstone was laid in 1928 and the building was dedicated on September 25, 1930.

Mulholland Memorial Fountain: Located at the Intersection of Riverside Drive and Los Feliz Blvd. It is named after William Mulholland who was a 'penniless Irish immigrant' and a self-taught engineer who became head of the Los Angeles Bureau of Water Works & Supply. He lived for a time in a one-room wooden shack near the present-day fountain and died in 1935. The fountain dedicated to him was completed in 1940.

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