Panel discussion: implications for CGIAR 2030 research and innovation strategy

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Panel discussion held at the 2023 Science Forum held in Rabat, Morocco on October 19, 2023, moderated by Lesley Torrance, ISDC Member & Director of Science at the James Hutton Institute and Emeritus Professor of Biology at the University of St Andrews, UK


-Aly Abousabaa, CGIAR Regional Director of Central and West Asia, North Africa (CWANA) & Director General, ICARDA
-Patrick Caron, CGIAR System Board Vice Chair & Vice President for International Affairs at the University of Montpellier
-Nicoline de Haan, Gender Equality, Youth, and Social Inclusion Impact Platform Director, CGIAR
-Alan Tollervey, CGIAR Strategic Impact, Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (SIMEC) Chair, System Council Member, & Adviser at Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO), UK
-Sonja Vermeulen, Managing Director of Genetic Innovation, CGIAR

The CGIAR Independent Science for Development Council (ISDC)'s 2023 Science Forum focused on the latest agrifood innovation research in gender equality, youth, and social inclusion. The goal of the ISDC Science Forum is to explore and debate science for development through international dialogue on critical issues in agricultural research. Explore this the Forum materials here:


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