Deutsch Grammatik, Basics of the German Grammar, Präpositionen, Pronomen, Verben, Konjunktiv II,

Описание к видео Deutsch Grammatik, Basics of the German Grammar, Präpositionen, Pronomen, Verben, Konjunktiv II,

Deutsch Grammatik, Basics of the German Grammar, Präpositionen, Pronomen, Verben, Konjunktiv II, Artikel, Relativpronomen, Konjunktion, Deutsch lernen, Grammatik, Deutsch lernen, Deutsch verstehen, Deutsche Grammatik lernen, Learn German grammar, #german, #freelessons, #learngerman, #studygerman, #2020, #onlinegerman, #learnprepositions, #freegerman, #allemandenligne, #India, #apprendreallemand, #allemandgratuit, #étudierallemand, Deutsch lieben, Akkusativ, Dativ, Genitiv,




German - Abbreviation

German - Accusative

German - Active and Passive

German - Active and Passive with Modal Verbs

German - Adjective - Overview

German - Adjective Endings

German - Adjective - Grading Adjectives - Positive, Comparative, Superlative

German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: alle / alles - all / everything

German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: mehr - more, mehrere - several

German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: das meiste / die meisten - most

German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: meistens / wenigstens / höchstens / mindestens

German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: nicht - not, no - nothing / anything

German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: viel / viele, ... - much, many, a lot of

German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: wenig, wenige - few, little

German - Adjectives - Adjective Suffixes Exercise

German - Adjective with Infinitive

German - Adjective with Preposition

German - Adverbials

German - Adverbials - Temporal Adverbials - Past, Future

German - Affix

German - Alphabet

German - Article - Table of Articles

German - Article - Table of Articles (indefinite article)

German - Articles - Nominative / Accusative (German) - pdf

German - Auxiliary Verbs

German - Cases

German - Causal Phrase

German - Clauses - Subject, Object

German - Concessive Phrase

German - Concessive Conjunctions,

German - Conditional Phrase

German - Conditional Phrase with and without "wenn"

German - Conditional Sentences for Beginners

German - Conditional Sentences - Types 1, 2 and 3

German - Conditional Sentences - wenn ... (German) - pdf

German - Conditional - wenn ich - if I ...

German - Conditional - wenn ich - if I ... - Examples

German - Conjunctions - Overview

German - Conjunctions - bis - until, till

German - Conjunctions - denn, weil, da, deshalb, deswegen, daher, darum, aus diesem Grund

German - Conjunctions - je ... desto, weder ... noch - the ... the, neither ... noch, ...

German - Conjunctions - obwohl, trotzdem, dennoch, trotz - despite

German - Conjunctions - nachdem, bevor - after, before

German - Conjunctions - nachdem, bevor - after, before - examples

German - Conjunctions - seit, seitdem - since

German - Conjunctions - solange - as long as

German - Conjunctions - sooft - as often as

German - Conjunctions - trotzdem, trotz, dennoch, obwohl - despite, although - examples

German - Conjunctions - während - during, while

German - Conjunctions - wenn, wann, als, ob - when, if

German - Conjunctions - wenn, als - examples

German - Conjunctions - German, English, French

German - Conjunctions - position: main clause, 0-position, end position, inversion

German - Conjunctions - position, 0-position, end position, inversion, meaning, temporal, local, ...

German - Conjunctions - Prepositions and Conjunctions - Transformation

German - Conjunctions - 0-Position

German - Conjunctions - 0-Position, End Position, Inversion, 2 part Conjunctions

German - Conjunctions - 2-Part Conjunctions

German - Conjunctions - 2-Part Conjunctions with Examples

German - Conjunctions - trotzdem, trotz, dennoch, obwohl, Conjunction, Preposition - despite, although, though

German - Conjunctions - wenn, als, weil, deshalb, damit, trotzdem, obwohl (German) - pdf

German - Conjunctive

German - Conjunctive - Forms

German - Conjunctive - Deixis Conjunctive 1

German - Conjunctive Endings

German - Conjunctive Endings - to search,

German - Conjunctive - Mode: Conjunctive

German - Conjunctive 1 - Irregular Verbs

German - Conjunctive 1 - Irregular Verbs: sei - to be

German - Conjunctive 1 Past - Reported Speech

German - Conjunctive 2 - Examples and Exercises

German - Conjunctive 2 - Frequent Irregular Verbs

German - Conjunctive 2 - Irregular Verbs

German - Conjunctive 2 - Irregular Verbs: a-b

German - Conjunctive 2 - Past


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