How To Start A Side Hustle For Less Than 50 Bucks A Month + More! (Video Chat Replay)

Описание к видео How To Start A Side Hustle For Less Than 50 Bucks A Month + More! (Video Chat Replay)

On this live chat replay, my guest Yuri of and I took a deep dive into how to run a successful side hustle for $50 or less a month and we had so much fun! We covered:

- Why a side hustle is game changer
- The 4 stages of starting a business
- The different tools to help you be successful that are a combined $50 or less
- and much more

We covered a ton of tools but some of the free / low cost tools we mentioned that you can get on right away include:

- Graphics -
- Free stock photos -
- Website -
- Your business email address -
- Scheduling -
- Email list builder -
- Accounting -

You'll hear the many others we discussed on the replay!

During the chat, Yuri shared her awesome free resources:

- Her Free InDesign Course:

- Her Color Meanings Cheatsheet:

This is the perfect time to get your side hustle set up if you don't have one or to review your current approach if you are a side hustler owner - especially in time for the holiday season and the new year!

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