Radial Flow Settling Tank for the 100 Gallon Fish Tank Aquaponics Setup - 230715

Описание к видео Radial Flow Settling Tank for the 100 Gallon Fish Tank Aquaponics Setup - 230715

**Radial Flow Settling Tank Stats**
Radial flow settling tank size - 32 gallons
Flow rate - 150GPH (2.5GPM)
Tank retention time - 12.8 minutes
Solids Lifting Overflow (SLO) pipe diameter - 3 inches reduced to 1.5 inches (1.77 in^2)
Stilling well diameter - 4 inches (12.56 in^2 - 7.1 times bigger than SLO pipe)
Settling tank diameter - ~20 inches (314 in^2 - 177 times bigger than SLO pipe)
Effluent weirs - 48 - 1/2 inch diameter (5.42 in^2 - 5.32 times bigger than SLO pipe)

**RFS Flow Analytics (Velocities)**
Influent SLO pipe - 326 inches / min
Stilling well - 46.0 inches / min
Settling tank - 1.84 inches / min (0.03 inches / sec)
Effluent weirs - 61.3 inches / min (1 inch / sec) over 22 inches

**Misc Items**
-At fish tank, SLO pipe passes through a 3" bulkhead fitting
-At settling tank, SLO pipe passes through a 1.5" uniseal
-At settling tank, effluent pipe passes through a 1.5" uniseal also
-Due the system hydraulics, the RFS tank had to be buried 6" in order to have an effective operating hydraulic gradient line
-Burying the RFS does help out with insulating the tank in hot (100F +) and cold (freezing and below) temperature days

**Lessons Learned**
-Had to change the effluent weirs from a longitudinally half cut pipe to 48 - 1/2 inch holes for less effluent flow velocity
-Hard to clean out the RFS since a clean out and drain were not designed into the RFS

#aquaponics #diyaquaponics #aquaponicsystem #diyprojects #fishkeeping


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