Is the Clear Word Bible a Reliable Translation? / Seventh Day Adventist

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Seventh Day Adventist / Is the Clear Word Bible a Reliable Translation?

Introduction to the Seventh-day Adventist Clear Word Bible
by Matt Slick

The Clear Word Bible, published by Review and Herald® Publishing Association and authored by Jack J. Blanco, is a paraphrase, not a translation. For the purposes of its examination, I have used the 2003 edition that I purchased in the Pacific Press Publishing Association bookstore in Nampa, Idaho. The Pacific Press website ( says...

"The Pacific Press® Publishing Association, established in 1874, is owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Its sole purpose is to uplift Jesus Christ in communicating biblical teachings, health principles, and family values—in many languages—through various types of printed materials, video products, and recordings of Christian music. The Pacific Press® perceives itself primarily as a spiritual enterprise. This perception governs the selection of personnel as well as of all materials published, including advertisements."1

Since the intent is to communicate biblical teachings, is owned by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and sells the Clear Word Bible, I can only conclude that the SDA church approves of the CWB.

The Clear Word Bible
The Clear Word Bible and Annihilationism
The Clear Word Bible, Jesus, and Michael the Archangel
The Clear Word Bible and the Sabbath
The Clear Word Bible and Salvation
The Clear Word Bible and the Soul
The Clear Word Bible and Miscellaneous Verses

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