Liquid Lime Application | Terra Gator 8103 | Gromes Plender [drone only]

Описание к видео Liquid Lime Application | Terra Gator 8103 | Gromes Plender [drone only]

Again no white Christmas this year? Give these guys a call! Merry christmas everyone :-)

Vloeibare gips uitrijden op een perceel van akkerbouwer De Witte uit Steenbergen (N-B) met een Terra Gator 8103 van Gromes Plender BV uit IJselmuiden. Vloeibare gips wordt voornamelijk aangewend voor de structuurverbetering van de grond.

Liquid Lime Application using a Terra Gator 8103 trike. Liquid Lime is mainly used for improving the structure of the soil and improve growing conditions.

On route to shoot another video I came a cross this setting, unfortunately they were almost finished, but decided anyway to shoot a sort video in addition to this video:    • Potato Planting  | Deutz-Fahr Agrotro...   where I got a lot of questions what the 'white stuff' is all about.

Thanks for watching!

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