Tax Saving Fixed Deposit | Tax Saving tips & investment | Banks with highest Tax saving FD rates

Описание к видео Tax Saving Fixed Deposit | Tax Saving tips & investment | Banks with highest Tax saving FD rates

Tax Saving Fixed Deposit | Tax Saving tips & investment | Banks with highest Tax saving FD rates
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Tax saver fixed deposit is a type of deposit scheme in which you can get tax deduction under section 80C of the Indian Income Tax Act, 1961. Any investor who makes an investment in tax saver FDs can claim a deduction on the investment amount up to Rs 1.5 lakh. Tax-saving FDs are the same as any other bank fixed deposits as the maturity amount (principal amount + FD Interest) is credited directly to bank account.
The Lock-in period of these deposits is 5 years and the tax-saving FD interest rates range from 5.5% – 7.75%. However, the interest earned from these types of FD schemes is taxable.
In the Video I have tried to give you all detailed information about Tax Saving Fixed Deposit and also suggested 5 banks giving highest interest rate on Tax Saving FD.

● Tax Saving Fixed Deposit
● Banks with highest Tax saving FD rate
● Tax Saver FD benefits, advantages & disadvantages

#TaxsavingFD #highestFDrateinbanks #FDrate

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