Inito Fertility Monitor Review & How It Works | Track Hormones, Cycles & Ovulation AD

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Inito Fertility Monitor Review & How It Works | Track Hormones, Cycles & Ovulation AD #infertilityjourney #InitoFertilityMonitor #TrackHormones

Want to know more about Inito or give it a try? Use the link below to find out more and if you’re ready to purchase simply use the link or use the code LAURA15 for 15% off your starter kit.

As some of you may know, I struggled with infertility a couple years ago and I wouldn’t be lying if I said I went out and bought all the testing strips, downloaded all the apps, took all the supplements and tried all the things because honestly, I didn’t know what else to do. I felt like my body was failing me somehow.

After using the Inito Monitor after just one month, I felt like maybe part of the problem (as well as underlying issues) was because I wasn't tracking properly. I didn’t much about my hormones or when the right time was to test or basically knowing anything about my cycles and even though I had the apps, none of them were in sync and so I had different results.

Inito tests for 4 different hormones giving you an accurate reading and it works with you even if you have irregular cycles and so I already felt at ease that it was giving me the best information it could to tell me exactly where I was in my cycle.

Overall thoughts, I really wish I had this back when I was struggling because the level of information and support you get with Inito would have made things a lot less stressful!

For more information on my TTC journey, watch more:

   • Finding Out I’M PREGNANT! After 2 Yea...  

Disclaimer: This is a paid AD, I was gifted the Inito Fertility Monitor for my honest review. Although I am not currently trying to get pregnant, I believe this monitor would be great for those wanting to find out more about their hormones and cycles. I genuinely love this monitor and when I’m ready to try for another baby, this will 100% be my go-to tool.

Please do your own research and don’t feel pressured into buying this monitor based off my review. Check out the website for more information or reach them over on Instagram @Initofertility.


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