The Practical Case for Biometric Security - 5 Things to Know - #4 - May 3rd, 2024

Описание к видео The Practical Case for Biometric Security - 5 Things to Know - #4 - May 3rd, 2024

Gary Brode of Deep Knowledge Investing and Robb Fahrion of Flying V Group discuss the 5 Things to Know in Investing This Week: The Everybody Shut Up Issue

-The practical case for biometric security.

DKI Summary:

Last week, an impostor copied my name, photo, firm name, and the DKI logo, and set up an account on X (formerly Twitter). The impostor then reported me and got MY account suspended. Even with the quick help of X’s excellent support staff, it took me hours of effort over two days to regain full control of my account and to get the impostor’s account deleted. In addition to losing time, the impact of the impostor’s actions was significant. I was unable to join a live webinar (called an X Space) where I was to be one of the featured speakers. I know from others it sometimes takes months to resolve these kinds of issues. I’ve invested significant time in growing my following on that platform and fostering relationships. The instant loss of access to my account due to the fraudulent actions of someone else is a threat to my business. So, what should be done?

DKI Takeaway:

Last week, DKI released a 20-page research report to premium subscribers. In it, we recommended a cybersecurity company that is focused on biometric authentication. The people at X support were helpful and responsive, but had X been using biometric authentication, it would have been possible to regain access to my account in minutes instead of hours. Even better, it’s likely that biometric authentication would have prevented the fruadsters from claiming my identity in the first place. This is the second time in the past 15 months that I’ve had someone pretending to be me create problems for my account. Some X users who have a larger following are impersonated on a weekly or daily basis. Biometric security, like the kind this company provides, would allow users to secure their accounts.

Your links:

This week's written version of the 5 Things with graphs:

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