Spark 40 Amp FAQs - Most asked viewer questions

Описание к видео Spark 40 Amp FAQs - Most asked viewer questions

*sorry about the low audio, external mic battery died so I was stuck with the cameras audio!*

I've had a ton of questions about the Spark Amp over the last 6 months, here's a summary of the most asked questions I've received:


00:26 - recording related (using iPhones, iPads, Mac, and PC)
4:00 - shipping times and software updates
5:10 - using foot switches
5:38 - various troubleshooting (no sound, weird audio etc)
8:12 - tone comparisons, using with a band
10:25 - final wrap-up


Recording with the Spark with an iPhone:    • Using the Positive Grid Spark Amp wit...  

Recording a full song with bass, acoustic guitar, electric guitar:    • Recording a full song with acoustic, ...  

Recording vocals with the Spark :    • Can you record vocals with the Positi...  
Spark tone shootout:    • Spark Amp vs 6 Guitar Plugin Amps  

5 best spark tones:    • The 5 Best Positive Grid Spark Amp To...  

Loud enough to jam with a band?    • Positive Grid Spark 40 - Loud Enough ...  

Spark with a footswitch:    • TinderBox Pedal Audio Demo - DIY BT T...  

Commercial song recorded with the Spark:


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