Anne/Gilbert : Chasing cars

Описание к видео Anne/Gilbert : Chasing cars

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the rights nor am I making profit off of the clips taken from the motion picture. This was made in the privacy of my own home for my own entertainment.

I started this a month or so ago and then put it on pause. The song I was working with was good but it was mostly melody and I just wasn't feeling it. Then I remembered this song and The clips lept from my dvd onto the video and arranged themselves.

For those of you unfamiliar with Anne of green Gabels: Anne is an orphan who ends up in the small town Of Avonlea. With a temper to match her hair, a head full of ideas considered foolish and fanicful winning the hearts of the folk in Avonlea is easier said then done.

The boy who she competes against for everything (from the top Grades to bike races) is an infuriating entanglement that turns out to be the best thing in her life. Each book in the series She and Gil get older and life throws new trials their way.

Come join me and some childhood friends and lets go chasing cars.

Anne: Megan Follows
Gilbert: Johnathan Crombie


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