2016 Chevrolet Camaro 4Min. Touch Screen Not Working Temporary Fix. Wiigotem !!

Описание к видео 2016 Chevrolet Camaro 4Min. Touch Screen Not Working Temporary Fix. Wiigotem !!

Wiigotem is a bit familiar with touch screens.
because he work on Nintendo handheld systems mostly but when he noticed his car touch screen was acting up he tried to let the pros at the place he bought it the year before or so and they said it needed an update but then it happened again and he started to investigate and found a easy fix but still a pain in the as , but its better then dealing with people that do know what they are doing or paying money i guess so its being posted on here to share the reasons wiigotem thinks it happens and why my fix works temporarily and show you how to do it , another fix may be just to move some place not so cold hahaha


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