Level Up Your Frozen Perogies | How to Make Your Frozen Perogies Taste Better

Описание к видео Level Up Your Frozen Perogies | How to Make Your Frozen Perogies Taste Better

Growing up in the cold prairies in Western Canada, the smell and taste of delicious perogies (or pierogis) was never too far away. Whether it be at family gatherings, Thanksgiving, Easter or Christmas, perogies never failed to be served. But for some reason, the perogies always seemed to be soggy and a forgettable side dish. I always felt that this holiday classic had the potential to be something more. Today, let me show you my way of levelling up this classic side dish to the main attraction of the meal.

Perogies My Way Ingredients
Olive oil
Frozen perogies (cheese flavour)
Fully cooked - Farmer’s sausage/Kielbasa/Polish Sausage/Kransy/Smokies/Smoked Sausage
Yellow onion
Green onion
Sour cream for topping

Please like and subscribe to my channel for more simple home cooking recipes to come. If you have any questions about the recipe, please comment below, and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can. Bon appetite!


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