Echo Of Time - AI Suno

Описание к видео Echo Of Time - AI Suno

In the echo of time's endless expanse,
Our anthem rises, a call to advance.
The old world crumbles, a relic of yore,
In its ruins, we find strength to explore.

For we stand in the dawn of a brave new age,
Where the weak find solace, where fears disengage.
Through the trials and tests, we'll never revoke,
Our resolve unyielding, against fate we'll evoke.

Illusions of the past, they whisper and fade,
Yet our vision remains, unwaveringly staid.
In the crucible of change, we forge anew,
Our dreams take flight, in skies pure and true.

So heed the choir of Genesis, voices untamed,
Architects of tomorrow, in courage proclaimed.
With each beat of our hearts, defiance innate,
We'll battle against fate, with spirit innate.

For we stand in the dawn of a brave new age,
Where the weak find solace, where fears disengage.
Through the trials and tests, we'll never revoke,
Our resolve unyielding, against fate we'll evoke.

A testament to resilience, forever unbound.
For the brave new world, we tirelessly defend,
Our hopes, our dreams, to the very end.

Text ChatGPT, Musik AI Suno


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