Who is Marvel's "The Void?" Sentry having a VERY bad day!

Описание к видео Who is Marvel's "The Void?" Sentry having a VERY bad day!

This video explores the abilities, powers, and origin of the Marvel Comics character "The Void." From Robert Reynolds gaining immeasurable superpowers from a very potent version of the super-soldier serum that created Captain America, The Void manifesting as the exact opposite and evil counterpart of The Sentry, it constantly taunting Robert and The Sentry whenever possible, destroying millions of people at a whim, disappearing and reappearing whenever memory of The Sentry is forgotten then remembered, being capable of taking on any superpowered being in the Marvel Universe including The Avengers, Inhumans, and X-Men, killing many members of the Super-Heroes of Europe and taking out Ares, Loki, and Doctor Doom, multiple unscathed journeys into the Sun, joining Norman Osborn's Cabal, destroying the foundations of Asgard, to his final battle with Thor and finally letting the Sun consume him to pass on to the White Hot Room; Let's take a look at this Marvel supervillain, and one of the most powerful characters of Marvel. This includes a short, canon character biography and my own opinionated "Sage Rating," which I use to give ratings of comic books and science fiction characters.



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