Best Blue Yeti Pop Filter - 2024

Описание к видео Best Blue Yeti Pop Filter - 2024

This is the absolute best pop filter I have personally found for the Blue Yeti Microphone. Obviously the most popular type of pop filter is the basic circular one but I find them entirely way too big and unnecessary. I often find myself having difficulty deciding on where to place my mic solely based on this problem. Today I present to you the solution: The MouKey Microphone Pop Filter. This pop filter comes with two different sized rings to fit a wide variety of microphones and is one of the few I could find on Amazon advertising it could fit the Blue Yeti. MouKey keeps the clean aesthetics with this one, takes up a minimal amount of space, and still offers all functionality. Link is listed below for you to pick one up yourself.

Moukey Pop Filter:

Alternatepop filter due to limited availabilty. ↓

PemoTech Pop Filter:
Model: 55mm to 75mm


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