The Best Help You Could Ask for After Giving Birth | With PEM

Описание к видео The Best Help You Could Ask for After Giving Birth | With PEM

For many moms, the first few moments of bringing their newborn home are indescribable with simple words. Lucky for Influencer Mommy Ng Hui Yi (NHYPHEN), she managed to beautifully capture her own experience in this short video.

In between her responsibility to take care of a newborn and her own postpartum recovery journey, Ng finds her confinement nanny to be a godsend, as shared by Ng herself in her blog. Her confinement nanny (also called the confinement lady) lent the help she needed throughout her confinement period.

While this is not her first experience of having a baby, she gains new insight into the motherhood with the nanny’s companionship. With her nanny’s optimism and encouragement, she herself has grown as a mother to be more patient.

Like many mothers who engage the services of confinement nanny in Singapore, she was not ready to let the nanny go when the time was up - so much so that she extended her nanny’s service for an extra month! “If I were to have a third kid, I would definitely love to have her with us again!” she ended her blog.

Without doubt, confinement nannies play important roles in a parent’s life and they often leave a huge impact even after they’ve left. If you are not familiar with confinement nannies Singapore moms normally hire, their main duties are to look after the mom and her newborn. They would prepare daily confinement meals for the mother and attend to her needs with the utmost care, all the while performing newborn care duties.

To fully understand the extent of a confinement nanny Singapore based service, you may reach out to us at PEM Confinement Nanny Agency. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, we have a team of over 400 skilled and credible confinement nannies who can ease your confinement journey.

Want to know more about our confinement nanny services? Learn more here:

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