Worship for June 30, 2024: Sixth Sunday After Pentecost

Описание к видео Worship for June 30, 2024: Sixth Sunday After Pentecost

Welcome! Join the people of Faith United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denver, PA for worship on this Sixth Sunday After Pentecost. Pastor Newell Embley leads worship, and Sharon Levering plays organ and piano.

You can find the bulletin for this worship service at the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zQZW...

For more information about our congregation, visit our website: http://faithunited-elca.org/

To make a financial contribution to our congregation and its ministries: https://secure.myvanco.com/L-Z7EY/home

Copyrighted hymns used under OneLicense A-735432. Liturgy used under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies License SAS000381.


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