Why did Allah Create this Universe? Who Created Allah? What is the Meaning of Allah? - Dr Zakir Naik

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Why did Allah Create this Universe? Who Created Allah? What is the Meaning of Allah? - Dr Zakir Naik


Questioner: My name is RamaKrishna. I’m a physiotherapy student, my question is what is the need of Allah to create Adam and Eve and this total universe? What he will get from this? And my second question is everything is created by someone so even God must have been created by someone. What is the meaning of Allah?

Dr. Zakir: Brother has asked 3 questions. The first question is why did God create Adam and Eve and what was his reason to create all this world and human kind? Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) created Adam & Eve may peace be upon them both so that the human kind could come. They were the great-great grand parents. Allah says in

Surah Hujurat ch. No. 49 verse no. 13

“Ya ayyuha annasuinna khalaqnakum min thakarin waonthawajaAAalnakum shuAAooban waqaba-ila litaAAarafooinna akramakum AAinda Allahi atqakum inna AllahaAAaleemun khabeer”

“O human kind verily We have created you from a single pair of male & female and have divided you into nations and tribes so that you may recognize each other not that you may despise each other. And the most honored in the sight of All Mighty God is the person who has Taqwa.”

The criteria to judge any human being it is not wealth, its not color, its not caste, its not creed, it is Taqwa, it is God consciousness, it is righteousness, it is piety. So Adam and Eve (peace be upon them) both, they were our great-great grand parents. Of your also and of mine also, all human kind. Therefore I call you a brother. We are brothers in humanity.

Allah says

“Ya Ayyuhan Nas”,
“O human kind”

And Allah says is

Surah Isra ch. 17 verse no. 70

“Walaqad karramna banee adama”

All Mighty God has honored all the children of Adam whether you are born in India, USA, UK, born in Hindu family or a Muslim family or a Christian family, Allah says He has honored all the Bani Adam. If you are a human being, Allah has honored you. Whether your name is Zakir, Abdullah, Ramu, Shankar if you’re born as human being, Allah has honored you.

Now coming to your question, why has All Mighty God created the human beings? Allah has created the human beings because Allah says this is one of his best creations. All the other creations of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) they obey him. We have the angels, whatever All Mighty God says, the angels, obey him directly. They have got no free will. The human being is a creation of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) which has a free will. We can either obey him or disobey him. So Allah has created such a creation, we are one of his best creation, in the best of forms but we have a choice of either obeying God or disobeying God. If you obey God, we will go to Jannah, we’ll go to Swarg, we’ll go to heaven. If you disobey him, we’ll go to hell, we’ll go to Nark. So this is a test for the hereafter. Allah says in

Surah Mulk ch. No. 67 verse no. 2
“Allazee khalaqa almawta walhayata”

“It is Allah who has created death and life to test which of you is good in deeds.”

So this life is a test for the hereafter. So Allah has created the human beings and Allah says in

Surah Dharyiat ch. No. 51 verse no. 56

“Wama khalaqtu aljinna wal-insailla liya’budoon”


“We have created the Jinn and the men not but to worship Him.”

So we suppose to worship, obey the commandment of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala). So this is a different creation of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) ...

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