2023 WaterWatch Lecture - PFAS in Our Waters

Описание к видео 2023 WaterWatch Lecture - PFAS in Our Waters

With Neal Merritt, Hanover Water Superintendent, Jason Federico, Norwell Water Supply, Peter Dillon Norwell Water Commissioner, Sandra Baird, Toxicologist MassDEP’s Office of Research and Standards
Recently, much attention is being paid to a group of chemicals known as PFAS (Per and Poly Flouroalkyl Substances) or forever chemicals that are being found in our waters and that have known human health impacts. These ‘forever’ chemicals have been widely used and are in many of our household items from nonstick pans to stain-resistant treatments on our furniture. Join our panel of local experts on the topic, including water suppliers from Norwell and Hanover, who will share their findings and how they are dealing with this emerging contaminant of concern.


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