Might is Right: The Survival of the Fittest - Ragnar Redbeard

Описание к видео Might is Right: The Survival of the Fittest - Ragnar Redbeard

Violent, angry, and chaotic book review for "Might is Right: The Survival of the Fittest" by Ragnar Redbeard. This book is a slap to the face of civilization and undermines it's apathy with fresh eyes from the social Darwinian theory. Find out the TRUTH about how life really works and TAKE what you want.

►"Might is Right" by Ragnar Redbeard (http://amzn.to/2hT1ZV9)

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0:06 Might is Right Book Review Begins
1:30 5 Star Book
2:55 Quote that will Mind Fuck You
4:11 Equality is a Lie
5:20 You must TAKE what you Want
6:01 The Two Levels of Masculinity
7:04 New Religions make us Passive
8:43 Sexual Dynamics of Power
9:11 The Symbol of Strength
9:49 The Core of "Might is Right"
11:50 Epilogue

Jecht Spencer helps people to maximize their natural talents. Fresh out of the United States Navy he has helped hundreds of clients achieve their life's goals in health, wealth, and relationships. Now he runs his personal brand Jecht Spencer, one of the world's newest thought leaders on global travel, lifestyle design, and personal coaching. Along the way he became a dynamic Keynote Speaker, Life Coach, and Investor. He has invested in companies like Facebook, Uber, and Google before eventually creating a fresh and invigorating look into how to live an exciting and worthwhile lifestyle.

The Jecht Spencer Adventure Podcast is Jecht's newest installment in interviewing the world's thought leaders and communicating on some of the most innovative technology out there for a rapid improvement of personal prosperity.

Jecht is also a vivacious entertainer, photographer, author, and world traveler hitting the road for over 300+ days a year. Nicknamed in popular media as "Adventure" Spencer for his unorthodox lifestyle and perspective.

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