Restore What The Locusts Have Eaten

Описание к видео Restore What The Locusts Have Eaten

January 1, 2023

Speaker: Pastor Larry McCarthy

The Book of Joel was written to the people of Judah and Jerusalem as a warning, but its truths are just as applicable to us today as they were thousands of years ago.

The historical context of the book is Judah's pattern of revival and decline, and in these passages Judah is falling into the same apostasy that plagued Israel. The prophet Joel cries out to people for a deep, sincere, and authentic commitment to God.

In these passages, Joel brings a basic message of wholehearted return to God with a promise of a second chance. Joel gives three warnings we should heed today:
1) Sin
2) The Consequences of Sin
3) The Solution for Sin

Takeaway: what is it that God wants you do to to return to Him?

Joel 1:1-12

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