E152: Marketing brief vs creative brief

Описание к видео E152: Marketing brief vs creative brief

This week, Henry Gomez (http://henrylouisgomez.com) and I discuss a video posted by Julian Cole (https://juliancolestrategy.com), a link to which we included below. He explains the differences between a marketing and a creative brief. Julian is a noted strategist, teacher and mentor to young strategists. And we have invited him to be a guest on The Brief Bros in the coming weeks. Henry and I dissect and expand on his thinking. The training I offer on brief writing focuses primarily on marketers. Henry's ad agency work focuses on the needs of his creatives. So we come to these documents with unique and differing perspectives. And you'll enjoy our lively discussion.

Julian Cole on Marketing versus Creative Brief video (   • Creative vs. Marketing brief: Avoid T...  )

For training in writing inspiring creative briefs, contact Howard Ibach at https://creativebriefworkshops.com for availability.


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