7 миллионов фанатов в истерике! Чонгук шокировал своих маму и папу этим неожиданным поступком

Описание к видео 7 миллионов фанатов в истерике! Чонгук шокировал своих маму и папу этим неожиданным поступком

Becoming a global idol promises great success, not only for the artist but also for their agency. As the idol's popularity soars, the agency's name also becomes known globally. This success is not only reflected by loyal fans around the world, but also from the financial achievements achieved, both through album sales, merchandise, and the increasing value of agency shares.
7 Million Fans Hysterical! Jungkook Shocked His Mom and Dad With This Unexpected Thing
#bts #jungkook #btsarmy #jk #jungkookie #jungkookseven #armybts #army #kpop


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