How to clean the baby nose easily/easy tips for cleaning baby nose

Описание к видео How to clean the baby nose easily/easy tips for cleaning baby nose

Hi welcome to my YouTube channel
I am Archana.
Today our topic is how to clean the baby nose easily here I am discussing Easy and helpful tips for baby and mother. When the baby feel blocked nose or stuffy 👃 then you can use these 3 simple and easy tips and tricks and get relieved your baby e
Three tips are
1) hand watering during bathing.
2) nasal saline drops.( this is available on every Medical Store easily you can buy from there)
3) buds
Everyday I use these three simple steps in my life for cleaning my baby nose and get released from his stuffy nose if you feel at your baby is not breathing properly then you can use these three simple easy tips.
Friends if my video helpful for you then please subscribe ,share and like my channel and please comment also thank you for watching.# Archana olhyan.

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