How to Satin Stitch Applique with a Regular Sewing Machine

Описание к видео How to Satin Stitch Applique with a Regular Sewing Machine Learn how to machine satin stitch on applique heart shapes. I cut the fusible applique shapes using my Accu Quilt Go! Cutter and now I'm stitching along the edges with a blanket stitch to reduce fraying and add more thread to the quilt top.

Affiliate links to Accu Quilt fabric cutters on Amazon:

Accu Quilt Go! Fabric Cutter -

Smaller Go! Me Cutter -

New Go! BIG -


More links to this fusible applique quilt project:

Fusible Applique Part 1 -    • How To Quickly And Easily Cut Fusible...  
Fusible Applique Part 2 -    • How to Arrange Fusible Appliques and ...  
Blanket Stitch on Applique -    • How to Blanket Stitch on Applique wit...  
Satin Stitch Applique -    • How to Satin Stitch Applique with a R...  

Find an All Over Quilting Tutorial here -

Find Applique tools and supplies from my quilt shop:

Jump ahead to learn how to blanket stitch on applique shapes:
00:00 First step to satin stitching around appliques
00:27 How to satin stitch smoothly around curves
00:44 Where to place the needle when you reposition the quilt
01:31 How to satin stitch over a point
02:37 How to cross your satin stitches to hide the start
02:59 Secure thread tails and tear off stabilizer


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