Questions to ask your provider and hospital

Описание к видео Questions to ask your provider and hospital

Feeling safe during labor: Questions to ask your provider

These questions will help you to feel safe during labor which is such an important thing! It’s more than just being prepared yourself, it’s about making sure you feel safe with those who are taking care of you, your provider and (if you choose to deliver in a hospital) the hospital you’re at. SO I wanted to put together some questions to ask your provider and hospital to make sure you align!

You can grab the questions to ask your provider and hospital here:

And if you’re interested I’m also selling a (13 page) birth plan that gives even more questions to dive into yourself or talk over with your provider! You can snag that here:

Download these questions free here:
Birth plan checklist:

00:00 Intro
00:57 How to feel safe and comfortable while you give birth
01:56 Birth Plan Checklist
02:19 Be on the same page with your provider

03:24 QUESTIONS FOR YOUR PROVIDER (midwife/ob/doula)

Mostly from the book I recommend to every pregnant woman:
Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth:
04:43 What is your education and qualifications?
05:01 How many women are due around the same time as I am?
05:12 Who will care for me if my midwife is unavailable?
05:32 What are tools for inducing labor?
06:00 What if I go past 40 weeks?
06:27 What pain management options are available?
07:01 Do you offer postpartum visits?
07:38 Are you open to me having a doula?
08:09 Can I eat and drink during labor?
09:05 Can I request intermittent monitoring?
09:24 Is there a time limit on labor and what are the restrictions around that?
09:56 Immediate skin to skin when the baby is born?
10:14 Can we do delayed cord clamping?
10:24 How often do you deliver unmedicated births?
10:27 How often do your patients have c-sections?
10:34 Are episiotomies routine?
10:52 Can I choose my birth position and location?
12:21 Are forceps or vacuum routine during delivery?
12:29 Are you in the room often?

13:06 Questions for your hospital
13:12 Do you have showers / tubs to labor in?
13:50 Can I give birth in a tub in the shower or on the toilet?
14:13 What tools do you have available for pain management?
14:24 Can I walk around and move freely during labor?
14:27 What are the restrictions on guests/ support people?
14:38 What is the cesarean rate here? And options
15:13 Will the baby be with a parent at all times after birth or be able to room in?
15:19 What are the security measures you have here?
15:35 Do you have midwives on staff?
15:54 Do you allow doulas?

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