Cucumber Growing Masterclass: The Secret to Perfect Cucumbers

Описание к видео Cucumber Growing Masterclass: The Secret to Perfect Cucumbers

Growing your own crunchy, crispy cucumbers is one of the juiciest joys of summer. With a little know-how these tasty cukes can give you a bumper crop and come in an array of surprising colours and textures, bound to impress all your friends at your party. Enjoy them in salads, in your water and in your cocktails of course! Cucumbers also store incredibly well as pickles to last you all winter too!
But... there are a few pitfalls to watch out for. In this week's episode Ben reveals his secrets to growing perfect cucumbers, and lots of them!

Cucumbers are of course squash family plants, so for more on avoiding squash problems, check out these videos next:
Why Aren't My Squashes Fruiting? Boost pollination of squash, zucchini/courgettes & pumpkins 🐝
   • Why Aren't My Squashes Fruiting? Boos...  

How to Avoid Common Squash Problems
   • How to Avoid Common Squash Problems  

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