Day 2 Installing SWGEmu Server: Debian 12 Virtual Machine No Server Desktop Environment

Описание к видео Day 2 Installing SWGEmu Server: Debian 12 Virtual Machine No Server Desktop Environment

Yes you need the tre files. You get some from your SWGEmu Client folder, and some from
00:00 vm creation
00:20 begin os install
05:04 System boot up
05:50 Shell in and update /etc/apt/sources.list
06:23 copy paste
cd /
mkdir /tre
chown swgemu:swgemu /tre
apt install sudo vim build-essential libmariadb-dev libmariadb-dev-compat liblua5.3-dev libdb5.3-dev libssl-dev cmake git default-jre libboost-all-dev gdb ninja-build mariadb-server -y
wget -O
export RUN_USER=swgemu
chmod +x ./
06:30 scp tre files to /tre
09:55 copypasta finishes, logout log back in, and ~/bin/build
11:15 update ip in launchpad login servers
11:56 separate shell su root and paste some mysql pre-emptively
use swgemu
update galaxy set address="PUT YOUR VM'S IP HERE" where galaxy_id=2;
update galaxy set name="BDJ" where galaxy_id=2;
select * from galaxy;
13:20 change client settings to launch windowed
17:30 nixos says hi
18:25 ~/bin/run
18:45 copypaste the mysql into the separate shell again for good measure
use swgemu
update galaxy set address="PUT YOUR VM'S IP HERE" where galaxy_id=2;
update galaxy set name="BDJ" where galaxy_id=2;
select * from galaxy;
19:10 Ready // launchpad client
19:35 on a space station
19:52 /airguitar

Thanks for watching!


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