How did Beethoven Write Music? #3 | Symphony No.1 | A Theme | Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro

Описание к видео How did Beethoven Write Music? #3 | Symphony No.1 | A Theme | Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro

How does Beethoven think about music? Would you like to sound like Beethoven. In this video we look at how to write music like Beethoven. In his first Symphony, Beethoven creates a main theme to drive the entire movement using tonal harmony and sonata form. Let's try to think like Beethoven and how he uses music theory and tonal harmony to compose music like no other composer.
#beethoven #composition #musictheory

Watch part 1 here:
   • How did Beethoven Write Music? #1 | S...  

Watch part 2 here:
   • How did Beethoven Write Music? #2 | S...  

As we’ve mentioned ad nauseam this map shows the three regions in tonal harmony: The Tonic (our home), the Sub-dominant (shown as the mountain region) and the Dominant (represented by a boat on a rough sea) These 3 regions are always present in any tonal piece and the functions are always located in the same place.

So if we view the tonal harmony map functionally, we can see the I and iv belong to the tonic region in the major key, the Im the bIII and the vim7b5 are the tonic functions in a minor key. Remember the map shows major and minor keys simultaneously since composers often borrow chords from the minor mode when in major and. Sometimes vice-versa.

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Study Tonal Harmony like never before!

Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro 7 is an interactive music theory app accompanied by 7 workbooks to teach and study tonal harmony.

Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro is an app for iPad and iPad Pro available on the App Store.

For Mac OSX

   • Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro: The Map (p...  

Jazz Demo:
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Classical Demo:
   • Decoding Bach's Harmonic Language Mus...  

Film & Video Game Music Demo:
   • The Last of Us - How to compose music...  

Pop Music Demo:
   • Beautiful (Aguilera) Harmonic Analysi...  

Learn all functions and cadences in all keys.
Practice Improvisation with its play along.
Write your own music using a map that reveals the secrets of tonality.

Learn about harmonic progressions and functions,. Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro is an incredible tool for songwriters, composers, students and teachers. From Jazz & Classical to Pop, Rock & New Age music, this app will take your writing and understanding of tonal music and music theory to the next level. Learn how to use chords and interpret their harmonic functions. Use the app as a harmonic ear training tool.

There is also an optional collection of seven Workbooks for the app.


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