Northampton State Hospital (A Documentary)

Описание к видео Northampton State Hospital (A Documentary)

Northampton State Hospital, a historic Psychiatric hospital on top of Hospital Hill outside of Northampton, MA.

This documentary film is the result of an eight month community service project created and developed by teachers and students at Amherst Regional High School's South Amherst Campus.

From its inception students worked together to conduct research and interviews and to develop a realistic account of the Northampton State Hospital.

Special thanks to:

Mark Mitchell
Tom Riddell
Steven Schwartz
Roe Kaparis
Rebecca Macauley
Barbara Van Nord
Bob Mielke
Alan Scott

Additional thanks to:

Northampton Historical Society

Western Massachusetts Department of Mental Health

Produced at: Amherst Community Television
March 27, 2000

More Info:

Tags: mental illness, mental health, lunatic, insane asylum, servicenet inc, deinstitutionalization, smith college, recovery, human rights.


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