Ndinobva Kwamuri - Whitney Ngorima - Zimpraise Hymns Night 4

Описание к видео Ndinobva Kwamuri - Whitney Ngorima - Zimpraise Hymns Night 4

Ndinobva Kwamuri is a hymn that speaks about the ascension of Jesus Christ after his resurrection and his second coming.

Jesus died, ascended to heaven and he is preparing us a place which we will dwell with him after he has come back to take those that have run the race of faith to the very end. Hold on to your faith believer and remain strong for the days are numbered and Jesus is coming back SOON!

John 14:3
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

Lead Vocalist: Whitney Ngorima
Produced and Directed by Joseph Madziyire

#Zimpraise #HymnsNight4 #HymnsOfHope


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