Simple Prayer - MuseScore 4

Описание к видео Simple Prayer - MuseScore 4

TO THE BEST (and albeit reasonably laziest given its nearly 11PM) OF MY KNOWLEDGE I have never spoken about my faith or my religion on this channel, or at least either as they currently stand. Nor do I intend to start now.

This peice began soon after the last in a want to write something calming. This peice followed unusually quickly. It wasn't written in response to any one of the MANY THINGS that seem to be happening in the world right now, but if it brings anyone any comfort then: good. Whether or not the prayer is to a diety or other figure you believe in I hope it brings you some comfort.

Great, now I sound like the text beneath one of those self-help 'listen to this 10hr video of [some sound] to help with [condition]' videos... Normal service will be resumed next video. Just as soon as I work out what's normal anyway. (yeah tenuous and obscure hitchhiker's reference, that's more like it!)



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