Exploring another Hard Off store in Funabashi, Japan| 4k virtual tour /Video games/Thrift/ASMR

Описание к видео Exploring another Hard Off store in Funabashi, Japan| 4k virtual tour /Video games/Thrift/ASMR

This is another Hard-Off store located in Funabashi, Chiba. It is a relatively compact store, but it is not hard to browse through games, musical instruments, and electronics including the junk section. There are also a few computer motherboards here.

Store info: Hard Off Funabashi Natsumidai

There are more than 350 of Hard-Off stores throughout Japan. I am planning to visit as many stores as possible, so please subscribe to my channel if you like this video.
   / @japanpov  

(Devices and Tools used on this video )
Camera Go Pro Hero 10: https://amzn.to/3V2hZag
Camera stand Go Pro Shorty : https://amzn.to/3ArOuoL

#hardoff #secondhandstore #retro gaming #video game #nintendo #sony #ps3 #ps2 #sega #dreamcast #hardoffjapan #japanpov #relax #asmr #tokyo

Ini adalah toko Hard-Off lainnya yang terletak di Funabashi, Chiba. Toko ini relatif kecil, tetapi tidak sulit untuk melihat-lihat game, alat musik, dan barang elektronik, termasuk bagian barang rongsokan. Di sini juga terdapat beberapa motherboard komputer.


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